I have NEVER had a problem with the bundt cake before...I mean never. Well, I decided to use a new fancy pan-release spray instead of trusty Crisco and flour. Wouldn't you know it, it stuck..badly. So badly, I had to turn it into a trifle. Luckily, I had planned to serve it with macerated strawberries and real whipped cream so I just made three layers of each and called it a trifle. Whew.
Petit fours are my arch nemesis. For the life of me, I cannot get the glaze right. So, I found what looked like a promising recipe on Martha Stewart's website for the glaze. I made a genoise, put a layer of cherry preserves and was ready to go. I tinted the glaze too dark but otherwise it worked just fine. Then, came the taste. Waaaay too sweet. sigh. back to the drawing board. If anyone has a good petit four glaze recipe, please, please, please send it to me.
Here's what they looked like freshly glazed:
Final Product:
Looks good, tastes yucky. grrrr.
The yeast rolls looked promising but never rose. At the end, I had small, hard little dough balls. gross. I used a Martha Stewart recipe which I thought I followed exactly right. I am convinced it's the recipe. I still have a packet of yeast so I'm going to look up a new recipe and try again. I had to stop at the store after mass to get a can of Pillsbury crescents--which were yummy.
I usually have much better success baking, but I guess you can't win 'em all.