Even better, everyone on the team is really nice. (we even got another land use attorney-sooo awesome) It is a really fun, positive atmosphere because everyone tries hard but doesn't get up in anyone's face for making a mistake. I've been on a number of teams over the years and team chemistry is vital to having a good time. Obviously, I would rather win games than lose them, but it's soooo important not to have j-holes on your team. Of course, a cooler full of beer in the dugout doesn't hurt things either.
I'm looking forward to the next 7 weeks. Don't worry, I'll give you all the updates.
Congratulations slugger!!
Are your uniforms like the ones on "League of Their Own?"
Was that your favorite fist pump moment?
Anytime I make it on base. Actually, anytime I do anything remotely good or noteworthy. I get super-excitted rather easily.
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