Friday, September 5, 2008


We had our first two softball games against Community Bank last night. We smoked 'em, folks! I don't remember the actual scores but it wasn't even close. Everyone was hitting and fielding well--especially for a first game. I reprised my role as catcher-extraordinaire. My goal is always: to not embarass myself. Well, sports fans, I achieved my goal. I did a decent job at the plate and even tagged someone out at home.

Even better, everyone on the team is really nice. (we even got another land use attorney-sooo awesome) It is a really fun, positive atmosphere because everyone tries hard but doesn't get up in anyone's face for making a mistake. I've been on a number of teams over the years and team chemistry is vital to having a good time. Obviously, I would rather win games than lose them, but it's soooo important not to have j-holes on your team. Of course, a cooler full of beer in the dugout doesn't hurt things either.

I'm looking forward to the next 7 weeks. Don't worry, I'll give you all the updates.


Cladeedah said...

Congratulations slugger!!

SDM said...

Are your uniforms like the ones on "League of Their Own?"

jesse said...

Was that your favorite fist pump moment?

Bethany said...

Anytime I make it on base. Actually, anytime I do anything remotely good or noteworthy. I get super-excitted rather easily.